In a world filled with bad news, tragedy, and unkindness, we want to promote the GOOD AND KIND things people do for others.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Save Mandi's House

I saw this article in the newspaper and I wanted to get the word out.

Struggle is no stranger in the life of Mandi Shaw.  The 47-year-old Kearns woman has spent her life dealing with severe, debilitating birth defects. And in recent years, heart problems have rendered her permanently disabled and unable to work. She has only 20 percent of normal cardiac capacity.
In 2010, her husband died from cancer.  Now, her only income is a small disability check.
Shaw is far behind on the mortgage payments on her small home of nearly 20 years, and she has little prospect of ever catching up.  Cortney Shaw works two jobs to pay the mortgage for her and her mother.

 I know that times are tough financial for most of us, but if we all donated let's say $12 in honor of 2012 it would help out this family so much.

These are different ways to donate:

(1) Using Paypal, send to
(2) You can call the Mortgage Rep (Stacey) at 801-288-3154.

(3) Sending check, make it out to "Mandi Shaw, Help Save my Mortgage".

Granite Credit Union

3109 West 4700 South

Taylorsville, Utah 84129

(3) Discover Card has a feature where money can be sent, at no charge. Go to and look for the tab "Send Money". Use to send donation.

Contact Ron at or call 801-553-9797 with questions.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Delivering Christmas

One of the things I like about November and December is that it is a lot easier to find good news and kindness news stories.  I posted a couple weeks ago about a police officer who held a ladies hand after she was involved in an accident.  Well, this article continues the story and tells about how the community has reached out to her family and provided Christmas for her kids.

Click HERE to read the full article

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Week 29--Kindness Challenge--Dec. 19

Do an act of random kindness for a stranger this week.

(I'm posting this early because I won't be around a computer for the next couple of days.)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Making a Difference 1 Act of Kindness at a Time

I have been a little depressed the past couple of weeks so I was really happy to find this "good news" story in the paper this morning.  It really touched my heart and reminded me that this is what the Christmas Spirit is all about "Loving, Caring, and Helping our fellow man or woman in any way that we can".

For nine years, West Valley police officer Kevin Peck has protected and served the citizens of his city by trying to keep the streets safe from the criminal element.  But on Monday, as Peck responded to an accident scene, it wasn't with his gun or handcuffs that he served the community. Rather it was with a simple gesture of holding a hand, and providing thoughtful words and a listening ear.
Peck was just around the corner when a Utah Transit Authority bus struck 24-year-old Aryann Smith in a crosswalk, pinning her underneath the large vehicle and severely crushing both of her legs. He was one of the first officers to arrive at the scene.

As Peck assessed the situation, he quickly found out the woman had suffered severe injuries. The tall officer crawled underneath the bus himself to take the woman's pulse. But after he grabbed her hand, he didn't let go until fire crews were eventually able to lift the bus off of her and pull her out.

To read the full article click HERE

Monday, December 5, 2011

Week 27--Kindness Challenge--Dec. 5th

Do an act of Kindness in honor of someone this week and then if you can let that person know about it.