I scan the paper a couple of times a week to see if there are any good or kindness news in them. Usually, I'm disappointed, but today I hit the Jackpot. The title of this newsstory "Teen's dad spends school year waving at bus, embarrassing son" instantly drew my attention. I have 3 teenagers, and I have to admit I get my thrills trying to embarrass them as their "Old 80's Mom" that they think of me. I got a good laugh reading about this Dad's devotion to come up with creative ways to dress up and wave at the bus for the last 170 days.
This is how the article started up "No matter how cool a teenager's mom and dad might be, few teens get through high school without feeling their parents embarrassed them.
And one teen has his dad to thank for embarrassing him the entire school year — well, 170 days of it.
When the high school's bus routes changed this year, 16-year-old Rain Price soon found out he'd be going right past his house every single morning. Much to his chagrin, he also found out his dad would be standing outside, waving.
The embarrassment was a thrill for his father.
The second day of school, there he was again, only this time Price was wearing a San Diego Chargers helmet and jersey. Day three, it was an Anakin Skywalker helmet, and the next day, swim trunks and a snorkel mask.
Other kids started to take note.
"Most of them like it, and we roll down our windows and wave. It's fun," Rain said.
His dad admits it took a lot of effort to keep it up, but said it was "a way of letting him know that we really care about him, but do something a little different." He described it as "a father's way" of saying I love you."
Do you think this kid has any doubts if his Father loves him? Of course he would probably wish that his Dad would show that love in a less embarrassing way!!! But that's what part of our job description of parents is, Get kids up for school, check, Feed Breakfast, Check, Embarrass in front of everyone, CHECK!
Click on the following links to read the full story in the Deseret News and to visit their blog:
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