In a world filled with bad news, tragedy, and unkindness, we want to promote the GOOD AND KIND things people do for others.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week 1--Kindness Challenge

Welcome to Week 1 of the 40 week Kindness Challenge! 

Do an Act of Kindness in honor of someone.

This weeks challenge is free choice of what you do, just do it honor of someone. 

Who can you honor?
How about someone who has helped you like a friend or teacher, etc.  How about someone who has been a great example to you--a grandparent, a neighbor, etc. How about honoring one of the Angel Babies celebrating Angel Birthdays in the month of June--see for the list. 

 In fact Angel Baby Mikayla, whose 1st Angel birthday is June 13th, has a special blog where her parents are celebrating by inviting everyone to do an act of kindness in her honor for the whole month of June.  They have little cards you can print out to leave in honor of her. 

That brings up the next point of How do you do this act of kindness in honor of the person?
-Leave a note that says this was done in honor of. . . . . . . . .
-Think about that person as you are doing the act of kindness
-If you can, send a note to that person you are honoring to let them know what you did or just write it down so you can remember what you did.

What are some ideas for Acts of Kindness?

Send a card or email to someone, make or buy treats to give to someone, help someone with a chore, donate your time or money to help someone, help weed or mow your neighbors grass, give out a compliment, etc.

Have Fun!

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