In a world filled with bad news, tragedy, and unkindness, we want to promote the GOOD AND KIND things people do for others.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Miracle Garden--K.I.N.

Behind Martha Carlson's neatly trimmed house, K'nyaw Say Paw kneels in the dirt and places a tomato seed in the rich earth. Around her, other refugee children laugh and play in a garden that has been a boon to them, Carlson and a broader community that has taken them in.

Maybe it started with Carlson, who at 86 was too old to care for the vacant land behind her home. "I was talking to my Father in heaven saying I can't do this anymore," she said. "I didn't know he was going to send 50 people from Burma to solve my problem."

"It was just like a big gift," Carlson said, raising her hands toward the heavens. "I get to give them a big gift, so both of us are happy."

To read the full Article click HERE

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