In a world filled with bad news, tragedy, and unkindness, we want to promote the GOOD AND KIND things people do for others.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 17--Kindness Challenge--Sept. 26

Donate Money to someone or some charity this week.

I love doing this!  I wish I had more money to donate to others, but, even a little bit helps.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 16--Kindness Challenge--Sept. 19

Make a T.H.I.N.K. sign for yourself and look at it every day this week to remind yourself if your actions and words are:

Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 15--Weekly Kindness Challenge--Sept. 12

Help someone this week in honor of the victims of 9/11. Remember the people who died 10 years ago on 9/11.  Remember how scary the world felt, but, how we united as Americans--"Together We Stand"--and reached out to help each other in little ways.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remember Sept. 11th

Remember--what exactly does that mean?  I have been watching and reading different items this past week about 9/11.  It has broken my heart hearing all over again the memories of that day.  I am touched by stories of kindness of  people who reached out to help others who loss loved ones.  I am touched by stories of those who reached out to help survivors.  I am at a loss of words for the passengers and crew of flight 93 who sacrificed their lives to save others.

Here is a few of the note worthy stories I have found:

America's Camp--a camp started for the children who loss a parent on 9/11

Hope Rising--a statue dedicated to 9/11

Flight 93 National Memorial--a Monument being constructed to honor the passengers and crew of Flight 93

I watched the dedication of the Flight 93 Memorial.  I was touched by the speeches given.  I was touched by seeing the wall unveiled and seeing the names of each one of the passengers and crew.  I liked what President Bush said that it is important to remember and honor these people with these monuments, but, it is equally as important to remember them by the way we live our lives.  Maybe that is what remembering is really all about--showing our love for loss loved ones through memorials and monuments but also through our actions of loving and caring about others.  Every time we show kindness instead of anger, we defy what the terrorist wanted to split our nation apart in hate.

So, for today take some time to remember and honor all those who were loss on 9/11--fly a flag, attend a memorial, light a candle etc., then tomorrow and forever remember and honor them by the way you choose to treat others.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Week 14--Kindness Challenge--Sept. 5

Send a Greeting Card to someone "just because" to let them know you are thinking of them.

With modern technology, this is almost a lost tradition of sending a card through the mail.  People hardly send birthday cards or Christmas cards anymore.  This makes this challenge a unique one because it will be totally out of the blue and a nice surprise for someone.  You have to look for the "just because" cards but they are out there and it will be worth the time and effort you spend to find just the right card.

I absolutely love receiving "just because" cards because they truly show to me that someone cares because it is a lot harder and more work to send a card rather just email or text someone.